Homemade Slime (or "Goo" as my kids call it!)
Our family is on a huge "goo" kick right now. I'm not sure why it's become SO exciting lately, but I have to say, any activity that occupies a 5-, 3-, and 2- year old for more than 20 minutes is a huge win in my book. When I realized how easy it was and how few ingredients you actually need to make it yourself we decided to give it a go!

You will need:
- 4 oz. of clear Elmer’s glue - Do not use white Elmer's glue as the glitter will get lost.
- 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
- glitter (I bought mine at Michaels)
- 1 tablespoon saline solution (make sure the ingredient list includes "buffered" saline)
Simply mix all the ingredients together! Add more a few drops of saline solution to thicken the slime if needed.
I used an old jam jar to do the mixing and you could even store it in there. I will say that similar to playdoh or any sort of messy activity, the goo should stay on hard surfaces and should not get into the hands of any little ones who might want to put it into their mouths.
I think the little jars filled with goo would make the cutest party favors! Easy, homemade and fun for all ages!