How to Use Your Roam Free Play Mat to Workout

Ab Workout - Featured

We've teamed up with the awesome Melissa MoranProduct Photographer Extraordinaire & Power Pilates Certified Instructor. Not only is she a fantastic photographer but she is a Mother AND fitness enthusiast who is giving us every reason to hop onto our play mat for a quickie workout. Let's be honest, we could all use an at home, during nap workout a couple times a week. If I can do it, so can you, trust me! 

From Melissa - "Pilates has always been a part of my life and try to incorporate a workout at least 2 times a week in between running.  But we all know that sometimes, things can get too busy so I then rely on my favorite ab series in the Pilates Mat repertoire.  It’s quick, simple, and very affective."
Ab Workout - The Hundred
The Hundred
Start with knees into your chest and then lifting the head, neck and shoulder off the mat. Extend you legs to ceiling for a little more change take them down to 45 degrees.  Extend your arms out by your sides and start to pump with like you’re tapping water - inhaling for 5 counts and exhaling for 5 counts.  Repeat to pump and breathe until you reach 100 counts.
Ab Workout - Single Leg Stretch
Single Leg Stretch
Start with knees into your chest and then lifting the head, neck, and shoulders off the mat.  Reach one leg to 45 degrees and then switch legs.  Make sure to keep a light hold on the knee and not to pull too close to the chest.  Think of extending the legs longer as you switch and always keeping you abs in.  Repeat for 5-8 counts on each leg.
Ab Workout - Double leg stretch
Double Leg Stretch
Start with knees into your chest and then lifting the head, neck, and shoulders off the mat.  Extend your arms and legs out to 45 degrees or to the ceiling if its more comfortable.  Hold for 1 second and then circle your arms around to hug your legs back to your chest. Inhale to extend and exhale to bring it all in.  Repeat for 5-8 counts.  
Ab Workout - Scissors
Start with knees into your chest and then lifting the head, neck, and shoulders off the mat.  Extend both your legs to ceiling and then lower one to 45 degrees.  You can grab the back of you thigh or up by your ankle for a challenge.  Be careful not to grab behind the knee.  Keep the legs as straight as possible and bring your straight leg into the chest 2 times and then switch.  Pull the abs in to switch the leg.  Repeat for 5-8 count on each leg.
Ab Workout - Lower lift
Lower Lift
Start with knees into your chest and place your hands behind your head keeping your elbows wide.  Lift the head, neck, and shoulders off the mat and extend both legs up to the ceiling.  Lower the legs to 45 degrees and then bring them back up to 90 degrees.  If you need to modify, you can keep your head down and place both hands under your sacrum for more support.  Repeat for 5-8 counts.
Ab Workout - Criss Cross
Criss Cross
Start with knees into your chest and place your hands behind your head keeping your elbows wide.  Lift the head, neck, and shoulders and twist toward one knee while extending the opposite leg.  Pull the abs in to switch to the other side.  Remember to keep your elbows wide and not to pull on the neck. Repeat for 5-8 count each side.