LN Spotlight: Nikki Matlock of House Freeform

LN Spotlight

Today's Little Nomad Spotlight is Nikki Matlock, owner of House Freeform and Mama to adorable Rye. We are so excited to get a peek inside Nikki's home.

Where do you live? Apartment? House? 
We bought our very first home this last July in Long Beach, CA.

What do you do professionally? 
I'm a full time mom but I also make custom embroidery hoops. I've created embroideries for nurseries, weddings, pop up shops, storefronts and in-home artwork. My days are dedicated entirely to my son - It's wild toddler crazy chaos in the best of ways and I love every minute of it. My nights are dedicating to creating. It's my calm after the storm.

LN Spotlight

Can you share your child’s name and age? 
Rye Matlock - 16 months

How would you describe your style? 
My style is very California inspired with an eclectic feel. Most of our furniture is mid century modern. Our smaller decorative pieces are playful and fun (like the tree branch I keep on our coffee table). I'm definitely a believer in less is more and also a total crazy plant lady. We have at least one plant in every room of our house.

LN Spotlight - playroom

Where is your Roam Free play mat in your house/apartment?
Our Little Nomad play mat was one of the first things I ordered when I found out I was pregnant. At that time, we lived in a small 1 bedroom apartment in Manhattan Beach and the play mat was in the same room as our kitchen table. I called it our "play corner". Since moving, our LN play mat is in our son's play room. It's great for our son to have a space downstairs that's all his own. It's the place where we can be completely free, roll around, make a mess and be silly together. Until having a toddler, I never realized just much much time I would spend sitting on the floor. Our LN play mat completely pulled the room together from both style and comfort standpoint.

What are three of your favorite nursery/playroom/decor pieces that share a room with your Little Nomad play mat? 
1. We have so much fun with our Tnees-Tpee tent. We use it for hide-n-seek, reading time and quiet time.
2. I love to cook and Rye loves to help me cook so he is obsessed with his Teamson Play Kitchen. I love seeing the way he reorganizes the play food everyday and bangs around with the pots and pans.
3. Although his littler roadster car doesn't always stay in the playroom, that's where we park it at the end of the night. He loves riding it all over the house. It's such a cool, timeless toy that will grow with him.

What has been the most challenging aspect of decorating your space? What about the most fun? 
The most challenging part about decorating the playroom was making it aesthetically pleasing for adults but also super fun for Rye. Since our playroom is near the kitchen and den, it really had to flow. I kept the play room light, bright and simple. This way when there are toys all over the room, it doesn't feel like the walls are caving in. The most fun aspect of decorating the play room has been seeing it come to life one piece at a time. Since we moved into this home fairly recently, I brought in new pieces slowly and seeing the excitement on Rye's face as the room evolved has been the best part.

LN Spotlight - Roam Free

Where was the last place you traveled? 
We spent 2 weeks in the Greek Islands before we decided we were ready to start a family. It was such a freeing experience and the timing in our life was just perfect.

 Thanks, Nikki!